Should WinCustomize create a skinning gallery for Fences?
Published on February 5, 2009 By VistArtXPosed In Fences
I know it's kinda early to be talking about this, but how many of you people would like WinCustomize to create a Fences skin gallery?  It would be really cool to create skins that match your favorite WindowBlinds setup.  It's just a suggestion.  I want to skin Fences to match my "Glassphire" theme, but that's just me. 

Comments are Welcome.

on Feb 07, 2009

Yeah I feel you on that one, and I suggested it in an earlier post, and someone had told me to contact Jeff Bargmann about that.

I'm working on making a program to do that already, but not having any luck.

This is what I got so far (it decides to stay up for awhile, and then close my fences right away)

If I ever finish it I'm going to post it on Freeware Tips ( and post it on here as well. That is if someone doesn't beat me to it.

on Feb 07, 2009

Hi guys, Skinning will be in a future version of Fences for sure, later this year. Sit tight

on Feb 07, 2009

May I suggest a thing about the skinning bit? Why do I ask? Maybe I should just do it? Why all these questions?....

Here goes:

Would be great if you made fences compatible with objectdock zoomed and tabbed dock skins. All the necessary configurability is there, and we'll have tons of already available skins to choose from. Also, with a configurable path for the skins, we only need a single directory for objectdock and fences skins.

on Feb 08, 2009

will be compat w/ OD skins for sure

on Mar 24, 2009
I hope this comes to fruition as I'd love to skin 'Fences'.
on Mar 24, 2009

um .. wouldnt that be painting fences.. or perhaps white washing?

one would wonder, if the devs make a patch for fences would it be considered mending fences?

HG_Eliminator really ponders the big questions in life..

on Mar 24, 2009

um .. wouldnt that be painting fences.. or perhaps white washing?

one would wonder, if the devs make a patch for fences would it be considered mending fences?

HG_Eliminator really ponders the big questions in life..

Not getting philosophical on us, are you HG?


on Mar 24, 2009

Not getting philosophical on us, are you HG?

Just throw him some and he'll stop...or at least he'll be muffled by the .